• Larisa V. Kuklina Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penitentiary Service
Keywords: professional competence, professionalism, motivation for physical education and sports activities, employee of the penitentiary system


Professional development plays a key role in the career and personal growth of every specialist. It includes not only the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, but also the formation of professional self-awareness, which allows the employee to realize his importance and responsibility to society.

Therefore, the problem arises of searching for factors that influence the professionalism of employees at different stages of professional activity and developing a model of psychological and acmeological support that contributes to the formation of their professional competence.

Purpose of the work: to study the features of motivation for physical culture and sports activities of employees of the penal system and its relationship with professional competence

Materials and methods of research. The study was conducted on the basis of the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Vologda region, 2 groups of respondents took part in it: group 1 – 25 employees of a special forces detachment involved in sports (athletes with ranks in wrestling) aged 23 to 27 years; group 2 – 25 correctional colony employees aged from 23 to 27 years old who are not involved in sports (employees of the educational department, administration employees).

The methods “Motives for Playing Sports” by A.V. Shaboltas, expert assessment of the professional competence of employees of the penal system using an adapted “methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the professional performance of a state civil servant.”

Research results and discussion. The results of the study showed that employees of the penitentiary system with different levels of motivation for physical education and sports activities have differences in professional competence. There is a relationship between professional competence and motivation for physical education and sports activities among correctional officers.

The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the results in the development of programs for the development of professional competence of correctional officers, designed on the basis of differences in their motivation for physical education and sports activities

The conducted research allows us to formulate the following recommendations:

Purposeful formation of motivation for physical culture and sports activities of employees of the penal system through the development of internal attitudes and external stimulation will also contribute to the formation of health-preserving competence of employees.

Creating conditions for the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports activities of employees of the penal system will contribute not only to increasing the level of physical fitness as a component of the professional competence of employees, but will also stimulate the manifestation of their subjectivity.


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Author Biography

Larisa V. Kuklina, Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penitentiary Service

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite
Kuklina, L. (2023). FEATURES OF PROFESSIONALISM OF CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION EMPLOYEES WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF MOTIVATION FOR PHYSICAL AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES. Russian Journal of Education and Psychology, 14(6), 343-358. https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-4034-2023-14-6-343-358
Psychological Studies