Keywords: international cooperation, continuous professional development, internationalization of education, university teachers, digitalization, sport profile universities, model of teachers’ professional development in sport profile universities


Purpose. The article is devoted to the topic of the influence of international trends on the continuous professional development of higher education teachers, including sports universities, which is significant in modern geopolitical conditions. The subject of analysis is the process of continuous professional development of teachers. The author aims to determine and justify models of professional development, which are designed to ensure greater individualization of the process of professional growth of teachers. This goal required the solution of the following task: to identify and present some international trends that very visibly affect the professional development of teachers, including in sports universities.

Method or methodology of the work. The study is based on methods such as analysis, synthesis, grouping, comparative analysis using elements of benchmarking technology, which allows identifying the best practices in this area. The author analyzed open data posted on the websites of sports universities and educational portals. The priority research method is a comparative analysis of teachers’ professional development in modern universities.

The results of the work consist in the fact that the article updates the importance of discussions in the Russian pedagogical community about the prospects for modernizing the domestic system of higher education, including the system of professional development of teachers, after Russia’ exit from the unified educational area of Europe and the emergence of new opportunities for the development in the context of global challenges. The author proposed three models of teachers’ professional development (professional- pedagogical model, socio-pedagogical model, and personal-oriented model), which could serve as a guide for designing their own models for improving the professional skills of teachers in a particular university. The author assumes that the international trends, outlined in the article (internationalization, people’s diplomacy, digitalization, academic mobility), constructively affect the content of advanced training programs, as well as the choice of priority areas for the professional development of higher education teachers.

Practical implementations. The results of the study can be applied in the field of higher education, as well as in the system of teachers’ advanced training in sport profile universities.


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Author Biography

Tatiana M. Tregubova, Volga region state university of physical culture, sport and tourism

Professor of the Department Pedagogy and Psychology in the Sphere of Physical Culture and Sport, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor


Список литературы

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Zhou H., Tu Ch.- Ch. Influential factors of university teachers’ lifelong learning in professional development. Australian Journal of Adult learning, 2021, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 267-297.

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