Keywords: enlightenment, pedagogical thought, end of the XIX century, beginning of the XX century, Gabdulla Tukai, patriotism, labor education, morality, aesthetics, ecology


The subject of this study is the pedagogical thought of the Tatar educator of the late XIX – early XX century Gabdulla Tukai (April 26, 1886 – April 15, 1913). A lot has been written about the great Tatar poet-educator. His biography and poetry are investigated. His works have been translated into many languages of the world, and we can say with confidence that he is read all over the world. Nevertheless, the educator is not fully disclosed as teachers, despite the fact that he is a methodologist, the author of textbooks and teaching aids. His artistic works have not been investigated for the identification of didactic content. The purpose of the study is to identify the directions of education reflected in the poetry of the educator. The research used methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and comparison, induction and deduction. The methodology of the study consisted of consistency, complexity, integrity, personal, activity, and essential approaches. As a result of the study, the following areas of education were identified: patriotic, labor, moral, aesthetic. The results of the research can be applied in the process of teaching the history of pedagogy and pedagogical thought in secondary and higher pedagogical educational institutions. Conclusions: the work of the educator G. Tukai contains thoughts about various areas of education that should be used in the modern educational process.


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Author Biographies

Rustam Sh. Malikov, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Al’finur A. Galiakberova, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Malikov, R., & Galiakberova, A. (2022). PEDAGOGICAL THOUGHT OF THE EDUCATOR OF THE LATE XIX - EARLY XX CENTURY GABDULLA TUKAI ON VARIOUS AREAS OF EDUCATION. Russian Journal of Education and Psychology, 13(4), 7-21.
Educational and Pedagogical Studies